Win Movie Information
How does XBMC recognize a ripped DVD so it can pull all the additional information about the movie from the NET? I am asking because if I rip a DVD movie this functionality works well but if I then transcode the main movie to conserve drive space the movie is no longer recognized as such, it isn't cataloged along with the other movies and it is treated as if it is a music video.

Is there something I can do to allow / make XBMC treat the file as a movie?
Any chance you are moving the "transcoded" movie to another folder/directory? It sounds like you have a source that you have set up to scrape as a music video.
The organization of the files/directory structure was in place when first installing XBMC. Nothing was moved subsequent to the installation. Should movie files be organized in a particular way in a specific directory structure?
XBMC does it by how you have sources/folders "set" and by name of the files. See Adding videos to the library (wiki).
Thanks, the link gave me what I needed to know, it all works.

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