[Bug?] Lost all m4a music thumbs
Just compiled the latest nightly (24/10) and lost all my m4a thumb's, mp3 thumbs are ok

I've deleted the db's thumbnails etc... and no difference.

Was all working with the last nightly i compiled a couple of weeks ago.

Seems it might be a tag reader problem, Looking at textures13.db there are no entries for any of m4a songs at all.

Depending on what "a couple of weeks ago" is, it could be changes made to reading tags using taglib.

The best thing is to get it reproducible with a single file in a single folder and then post said file so that others can reproduce/confirm.
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I'm seeing the same issue with all of my m4a files. In my case it was a clean install and rebuild of the db on the 10/24 nightly. Same behavior on a nightly about a week ago. I have the cover art embedded into all of my music files. I didn't realize it was the m4a files until yesterday.
(2012-10-26, 16:25)jdawg0528 Wrote: I'm seeing the same issue with all of my m4a files. In my case it was a clean install and rebuild of the db on the 10/24 nightly. Same behavior on a nightly about a week ago. I have the cover art embedded into all of my music files. I didn't realize it was the m4a files until yesterday.

I installed the 10-26 build. New database, still seeing the issue. I also discovered that the issue is occurring with wma files too.

Here's an m4a file that is consistently problematic:


Here's a wma file that is consistently problematic:

I grabbed a couple of the monthly builds. The issue does exist in Alpha 6 (and, I'm assuming, every nightly since then). The issue does not exist in Alpha 5. I'm just going to run that build for now I guess. The other thing I noticed on Alpha 6 was that the artist fanart (which was scraped when I scanned the files into the db) for the Brandi Carlile files in my last post only displayed for the m4a file not the wma file. On Alpha 5, it displayed for both.
I've found a really nasty work around,but this only works if you have the m4a files in one folder (which i normally don't) And that is just to pick a song with the cover problem and keep pressing play repeatedly then the covers will appear one by one.

The only error in debug log is:
16:13:26 T:5168 WARNING: JpegIO: Error 53: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
16:13:26 T:5168 DEBUG: msg: PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image. ErrorBig Grinecode: Unknown or wrong format
16:13:26 T:5168 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load image from memory

This is the same for any m4a file including one's i've done myself and itunes.
Thanks for the sample files - I've fixed up the WMA + MP4 art + other tags for WMA.
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Thanks Jonathan for the speedy fix, it's very much appreciated.
Ditto. Thanks a ton!

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[Bug?] Lost all m4a music thumbs0