OS X Live stream stutter after long pause
Hi Team,
If I use any addon to stream video and pause the video for long time, when I resume, no audio and video stutter.
The only solution is to reboot.
My setup is :
Mac mini, XBMC Eden, HDMI to AV receiver.
I have advancesettings to set cache to 0.
Is this a common bug ?

Depends on the add-on. I've never had to reboot, but I've seen some add-ons totally freak out like that if I pause the streams for a long time. Others handle it fine. What add-ons are you using?
Thanks Ned, I use icefilms and 1channel....never had this issue with atv2
Do you have any recommendation to troubleshoot this issue ?
We don't really allow icefilms and 1channel discussion on XBMC.org (the unofficial xbmchub.com would be the place to go for those), but I can tell you that there really isn't much you can do. It's just kind of how it is with add-ons like that.

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Live stream stutter after long pause0