Landscape Mode/View for Seasons
I'm not sure if I'm missing something here, so figured I'd pose the question.

I use Season view for my TV Shows and either get a squished version of the actual poster, or if I enable "Use landscape.jpg" I get the same generic landscape image.
I have season#-landscape.jpg for each season in the root directory for the series (as this is where Artwork Downloader places them), but these don't apply.
I've also tried putting landscape.jpg in each season fodler, but this also doesn't do much.

Hopefully I'm missing something basic and someone can point me int he right direction Smile

Check your Video Source settings...

Do you have "Prefer Posters" turned off?

(Not sure if that's it, but worth a shot)
Sorry, had some source issues, had to rebuild libraries and such...

I've tried with Prefer Posters on and off, no difference. I noticed a comment in the main thread regarding this, so it appears I'm not the only person having this "issue".

I've since also tried putting the "season#-landscape.jpg" in the season folders, but still only get the squished poster, or the generic landscape.jpg from the root directory. I'm guessing this is a bug.

I could probably just change the folder.jpg ni each directory to the season#-landscape.jpg to work around it, but there is more than one machine on the network, and they don't all use MQ4 (apple TV for instance, as it's too slow for MQ4). So it looks like I'll just have to grin and bear it...

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Landscape Mode/View for Seasons0