[XBMCbuntu] no sound on ubuntu
hey there. using the last xbmcbuntu you can get on the main page. when i enter ubuntu over login i have no sound (chrome -> youtube pe). when i select xbmc i have sound.
isn't there a sound manager on ubuntu? maybe sound is selected mute.

audio is on "hdmi (ALSA)" on xbmc.

ps: panel preferences -> panel applets -> volume control
i can't use the edit button...+ i have no icon on the task/panelbar

i have no "control panel" under "start"...

thank you.
There's some alsa tweaking that needs to be done to make this work.

This thread might be what helped me find a solution, but I can't remember for sure: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...#pid825708
thank you, already got it...

nano ~/.asoundrc

pcm.!default {
type hw
card 0
device 3

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[XBMCbuntu] no sound on ubuntu0