Status is Frodo Skins
(2012-11-18, 04:17)Ned Scott Wrote: Seems I got a little ahead of myself. I checked again and there are two add-ons that it requires that haven't made it to the Frodo repo yet, Add-on:Random Items script (wiki) and Add-on:Watchlist (wiki)

And they wont because they've been replaced with a single addon - Skin Widgets. Wink
Aaaah, that's right, Martijn was telling me about that the other day.
(2012-11-18, 11:13)Ned Scott Wrote: Aaaah, that's right, Martijn was telling me about that the other day.

I tell nothing but lies Wink
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I also use refocus big. It works quite good here using frodo's beta. It is pretty fast, and I am also getting the watched icons.

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Status is Frodo Skins0