When i click the back on my remote I get a black screen
When I'm using Frodo, if i go from the library screen and click the back button on my remote to go back to the main screen it will just return to a black screen and I can't get out of it from there. This happens even if I'm not playing a file, such as if I first open XBMC and go to the video library then click back. I can't get the application to exit with Alt-f4 or esc key, so I have to do a cntrl-alt-del. Has anyone else seen this?

Windows 7 32bit
NVIDIA graphics card
Frodo beta release
I haven't experienced that myself. What skin are you using? Perhaps you can check your debug log and see what command is being sent when you press the back button.
Quick Links: debug log (wiki) | userdata (wiki) | advancedsettings (wiki) | adding videos to the library (wiki)
  • Which remote control are you using (make/model)?
  • Enable debug log (wiki)ging in XBMC, reproduce your condition, exit XBMC, locate and examine your debug log (wiki) (xbmc.log) to see what happened after you pressed the back button. If you want other members here to review your log, upload its entire contents to www.pastebin.com or www.xbmclogs.com and post the URL link to your uploaded log here with your reply.
I tried several times to get it to happen with the debug logging enabled but it never did. It did happen when I turned off debug logging though.

Here's a paste bin of the same procedure that would cause it to black out normally. If you look at the stuff following
21:51:40 T:5360 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (smb://BLACKHOLE/Educational/)
that's where I'm starting to push the back button


I'm also using an HP remote from a 2008 model

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When i click the back on my remote I get a black screen0