Win Gigabyte board reboots on wake from sleep after UEFI upgrade
I know it's a long shot and I have some other posts out there on other forums but this is pretty much the only place I hang out so I thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone here has run into the same thing.

Basically, I did the newest BIOS update on my mobo this morning which took me to UEFI. Everything went well and is working fine with one exception:

When I put the PC to sleep, the screen fades like it always did and appears to sleep. When I press a button to wake, I see the AMI logo and am presented with the "Windows did no shutdown properly" screen as if I had suddenly powered off.

This is kind of a big deal since my HTPC is a dedicated XBMC box and has no mouse or keyboard. The benefits gained from UEFI are negated by the 30 second wait to "Boot Normally" since I can't press enter to continue.

I have read through everything I could find on the EUFI and haven't found anything that had made a difference. I really don't want to go back to the F10 BIOS but I may have to at this point.

Any suggestions would be great!!!

Thanks in advance.
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
Did you ever resolve this issue?
No. After going back and forth with Gigabyte, they finally admitted it was a bug. I was told it would be passed on and addressed in a future release. Felt more like a blow off. I just went back to BIOS.
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
As the owner of 2 gigabyte MB based machines (main pc and HTPC), I solemnly swear never to buy one again. Their BIOS support is hopeless. Reboot loops, random bios corruption, inability to boot from partitioned USB sticks. Ive seriously had it with them.

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Gigabyte board reboots on wake from sleep after UEFI upgrade0