How to display Movies Rating in low list Aeon MQ4

I pretty new with the Aeon MQ4 skin (I used Aeon Nox 2.0 before this) and most of it pretty much speaks for itself. However, there is one thing I could not for the life of me figure out: How do I display the (imdb) ratingsHuh I use the 'low list' view to browse through my movies, I can see ratings in stars below the poster, but I wonder whether there is a way to display the ratings in numbers and to display them in the list instead of below the posters (so I can see them right away instead selecting a movie first to see it). The strange thing is that the episode list of my tv-shows (also low list view) does this automaticallyConfused.....Thanks in advance!
Anyone want to help out on this? I know this works fine in Aeon NOX but not at all in MQ4. It's the biggest reason I still use Nox.
I don't know of a way to have it show like that, but it is listed on the drop down panel, which you can choose to display automatically, or continuously.
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How to display Movies Rating in low list Aeon MQ40