No Fanart with Frodo
Hi new poster, been using xbmc, Dharma 10.1 for about 2 years & any problems I've been able to solve using the forum search function. Using Dharma, I've found that gradually my video add-ons have stopped working as Eden came on stream. I've put off changing because Eden will not work with my GeForce 7200 graphics card. With the release of Frodo Beta I have looked at upgrading again. I have sound issues but they seem to be covered in other posts so I'm not asking about them in this post. The video add-ons all work fine now but I have no fanart & I am loathe to alter my current d/base which I have put many long hours into with circa 6,000 movies & 1000+ TV series. I saw using the search function that there was a fix that involved installing the art downloader. My question is simply if I use that will it alter my existing d/base so that it won't work on Dharma as at the moment I have both installed in separate directories so can switch between using one or the other?

1. Frodo 12.0
2. Vista SP1
3. Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 2.2Ghz 32 bit
4. 1 GB
5. Nvidia GeForce 7200
6. Sound Blaster Live 24bit External SPDIF-Out
10. Frodo Debug Log -

I would be happy to stay on Dharma if my video add-ons worked. I have include a debug log from a session using Dharma below where I have tried to start the video add-ons I wish to use i.e. 4OD, ITV Player, iPlayer, 5 Demand, You Tube etc;

Daharma Debug Log -

If you need anymore info then please let me know, thanks.


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No Fanart with Frodo0