Win No background image on main menu

I have been searching through the forum and Google, but I can't seem to find a similar issue that I have, so I will just try to post here and hopefully someone can help me.

I have installed XBMC Eden on my Windows XP Pro SP3 laptop. However, whenever I start XBMC, I there is no background image on the main menu. I have re-installed it several times, but still the same issue. I also tried installing XBMC Frodo, but the problem is also there. Has anyone experience this problem before? What has been the solution? Thanks in advance for your help! Big Grin

XBMC log

XBMC main menu screenshot
Welcome to the XBMC forums.

Try deleting or renaming your userdata (wiki) directory (<-- this link tells you where it's located). Restart XBMC and see if background appears now.
Hi artrafael,

Thanks for the reply! I tried renaming it but the problem is still there:XBMC log 2
I see you are still using Eden, so if you use the right/left arrow key to highlight each of the main menu options (Weather, Pictures, Videos, Music, etc.), do you see a background on any of them?

What if you select System/Settings > Skin > Background Customizer > and scroll through the "Edit Background for Media Type" menu list for each of the options, do you see samples of the backgrounds displayed in the preview window?

If the answer is "no" for the above, stay on the Background Customizer page and try selecting one of the "Edit Background for Media Type" options such as "Videos" and then clicking the "Single image" button. Locate and select an image file that resides on your computer. You should now see that image displayed in the preview window. Exit back to the XBMC home page and use the right/left arrow key to highlight the "Videos" option. Does your selected image appear as the background?
Hi artrafael,

It is still the same Sad Is there any pre-requisite application that I need to install first for XBMC to work properly? Since this laptop has just been re-formatted and re-installed Windows XP, I might be missing something. I just installed Direct X 9.0c, but the problem did not went away.

Choosing single image background for video

Skin background customizer result
Try installing and using a different skin and see if that displays background images (System/Settings > Appearance > Skin > right arrow to select "Skin" field and press Enter > Get more... (and select a skin to install and switch to).

If that doesn't work, you may have to wait for someone who knows more about Windows.

If you're game, you can download XBMCbuntu and create a boot CD or USB thumbdrive. Boot your laptop with the XBMCbuntu installation CD/thumbdrive and select the "Try Ubuntu" option to load XBMC in "live" mode. See if you get background images.

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