Music Library Vanishes
Windows 7 + Eden

I find that if the drive containing my music files has not been mounted at XBMC launch, the library will contain nothing from that point on. Restarting the PC with the drive mounted will not recover the library, not even loading the music library from a backup will restore it. I have to rescan all of the files, and that is always inconvenient but even more so for me because of my slow Internet connection (I'm in Thailand). Once the files have been re-scanned everything works perfectly, but I suspect XBMC is not supposed to do this.

This never happens with the video library?

What's happening?

This is probably related to your scrape settings. If XBMC tries to scrape the music paths before the network shares are connected then all the paths are "missing" and they are cleaned from the database.

Try disable Update library on startup in the Music settings
Yeah, I did that about 5 minutes before I read your message. I'll see if that fixes it, but your explanation makes sense. Thanks.

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