Need How-To installing Add-ons into XBMCbuntu
Hallo mates,
I am new here and to any kind of XBMC and Linux. Because of that, I installed XBMCbuntu v12.rc2 and it works smooth with Music, Pictures, DVDs.
Two major issues I have still left:

1. How do I install add-ons to it? I tried to install the via SYSTEM, add add-on via .zip-File and it says something like it is integrated, but I cant still play BluRay.

2. How do I integrate any internet-browser like firefox, chrome or opera to the system programs, better to the mainpage as a chart like music or pictures.

Thanks for much help, please think when posting any solution, that I am a linux-noob.

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Need How-To installing Add-ons into XBMCbuntu0