XBMC not working with MySQL hosted on Unraid
I have done a lot of web searching and so far have had no luck. Ok so to make things easier I'll skip all the previous attempts to get my existing DB working. So, treating this like a brand new setup.

Frodo 12 Final Release on 1 x Win7 PC (I will add more when I get 1 working).
All movies on an unraid server using HP N40L server with 16GB RAM.
MySQL installed on unraid server using it's built-in MySQL installer.
Setup a user called xbmc with password xbmc, given the user full rights to do absolutely anything it wants to MySQL.
Test the xbmc account using MySQL Workbench from the same Win7 PC, confirmed all access ok.

XBMC opens fine after initial install.
Turn on debugging mode and close xbmc.
Add the mysql config details to the advanced settings file and put into the xbmc profile folder (using details from the Wiki).
Import the videos and music DBs that where created and working fine on previous XBMC RC3 install.
Check the xbmc user can access and manipulate the DBs, confirmed ok.

Ok so now is where I get to the problem, as soon as I tell XBMC to use MySQL (by putting the advancedsettings file in) XBMC opens but after a V.long time and no movies or music data is there at all.

In the debug log I get these 2 lines repeatedly:

Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication .... waiting for initial communication packet error 0
Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication .... waiting for initial communication packet error 2

Has anyone had similar issues? can shed any light on this problem, I know that unfortunately this may relate to MySQL / unraid but I'm hoping someone here may be able to help. The server is only going to be used as a NAS / MySQL server for my media so that it's the only thing that will need to run 24/7 for all my individual PC / device are not reliant on 2nd pc as well as the server.
Where are the debug logs?
Sorry I'm not at home at the mo so will post the debug log when I can this evening. I was hoping someone who reads this may be using unraid as well (i'd be surprised if not because it's one of the best solutions available).
I found that I would get similar symptoms when using the cache drive on the unraid server. The unraid mySQL didn't seem to understand that /mnt/user/TV was the same as /cache/TV and when trying to display items in the library would sit there for ever doing nothing. I would get no menus and no library items for the part of the library I was trying to view.

If I manually ran the mover script to get everything from the cache drive to the array then it all worked. Of course the fix for this problem was to turn of using the cache for shares that were used by XBMC mySQL. This works for me as I only infrequently update the content on the server, and then do a bunch all at once.

I never checked the log file though so I don't know if this was the same error that you were getting.
Openelec on ASRock ION 330 / Kodi on Win 7 PC

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XBMC not working with MySQL hosted on Unraid0