hey, i love xbmc and xlink... and i think it's fricken awesome that they're both bundled together in the same package
it just occured to me not too long ago that xlink kai is getting a bunch of new things added to it with the new evo 8. have there been any precautions taken to make a new gui to implement all these sweet new features?
like geolink sounds pretty cool:d
crap... i think this post is completely useless... because i just read that it was going to use the same ui...
even still, how is this gunna workConfused?

and also, i knwo that the wrt 54g has some hacked firmware out
but would it be possible to make a little netowrk adapter type thing that does the same thing... only isn't a router
i mean, what are the bare minimum components you need for it to work?
probably a micro processor of some sort and ram somewhere along with an rj45 port obviously
as you can probably tell, i'm not exactly on the ball in this category
it would be cool to see something liek that put into production
i much rather by a cheap lil adapter than a whole wrt54g that i had to mess around with
you r retarded.

i think that's unnecessary.
but's it's horribly trueSad

if i had more than 12 brain cells left... i would be able to succeed in life... more betterer

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