Linux XBMCbuntu Frodo Freezing
I had a stable version of XBMCbuntu Eden on my box, but when RC2 was released I couldn't help but upgrade. From that point on, I have been experiencing Freezing during playback and also in menu screens. It doesn't seem to matter how long the unit has been turned on or what type of video I am playing. I thought that it was just an issue with the RC versions, but when the Frodo was officially released, I upgraded to the full version. I've run fsck on all of my drives and none have any errors. When I SSH into my system I have a series of xbmc_crashlog's listed. I've included a link to the most recent one. I've tried to look through it and I can't seem to see anything that stands out. Any help you can give would be appreciated as this is starting to get frustrating.

Running the following:
XBMC 12.0 Git:fb595f2 (Compiled Jan 28 2013)

Crash Log:
2 Things.

1- Use default skin.
2- See last link on my signature.

I've made those changes, and while it has improved, it has not stopped the freezing issues. What sort of data can I show that might help identify the issue?

Thanks in advance for your help.
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-xvba
sudo apt-get remove xbmc xbmc-bin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-bin

This will help, any logs or oroblems just post them stright up.

I've also been experiencing a similar problem. I'm using the Hybrid skin but will switch back to Confluence for testing. Will change the repository I'm using (and packages) and report back with any changes.

The first incident was when I sent a library update request via JSONRPC. Second time was when an episode ended (froze on the last frame).

Crash log:

Debug log:
Had another crash/lock up. This time it locked up in the middle of the episode, had to do a hard reboot of the system.

Debug log:

Edit: And another crash, this occurred when trying to open an episode from the home screen via the Recently Added widget.

Debug log:
Those arent crashlogs, anyway, remove tracktv addon.

install gdb

sudo apt-get install gdb

the crashlogs are in different directory.

xbmc_crashlog wasn't being created with the last few occurrences, the entire system locks up (unable to ping or remotely connect via SSH) requiring a power cycle.

I've installed gdb and will report back (will also properly remove tracktv via the ui).
I am continuing to get the same symptoms even after the changes that you suggested. What is the gdb and should I install it as well?
gdb allows xbmc to get more process related details, not sure how xbmc detects it though.

System locked up again, this time while selecting a season of a show. No crash log was generated. i wasn't able to uninstall trakt as it wasn't listed. After this crash I installed it manually and then uninstalled it to remove references in the xbmc database. Also did the same with MyMediaDB.

Debug log:
How you slecting this season with OK button or PLAY button? with PLAY it will hang xbmc, perhaps a bug idk I did this the other day pressed PLAY on a directory and wham XBMC was out and log was getting spammed..

I don't know if this will help, but here is a copy of my most recent Crash Log.

I have installed gdb so hopefully my next crashlog will be more helpful.
I was just in the middle of watching a video and my system froze up, prompting a hard reboot. I pulled up the crashlog and it looks completely different from previous crash logs. I imagine this is due to the gdb that I installed.

Here it is. Any help would be appreciated.

Crash Log:
(2013-02-24, 12:08)uNiversal Wrote: How you slecting this season with OK button or PLAY button? with PLAY it will hang xbmc, perhaps a bug idk I did this the other day pressed PLAY on a directory and wham XBMC was out and log was getting spammed..


I was selecting it with the OK button, just opening up the season to select an episode through the Library. Another lock up today, my wife was using it so I don't know the details other then it was on the home screen (I think she was selecting an episode from the recently added widget).

Debug Log:

I'm considering renaming the userdata folder and restarting, as I did a semi-upgrade from Eden by unpacking the userdata folder over frodo.

Edit: Installed linux-crashdump to try and get more useful data from the kernel.

Edit Edit: So I didn't even get a kernel crash dump, which is worrisome. Locked up again when selecting an episode of a show.

Debug log:

Edit Edit Edit: Again another one, last frame of an episode (so the video stream had finished).

Debug log:

At this point, due to the frequency of the lock-ups and no indication of a cause I'm going to wipe the machine and install ubuntu minimal and manually setup XBMC by reusing a couple scripts I've got from Dharma. edit: Before I do so I'm going to try upgrading the Nvidia drivers according to this FAQ.
Finally a positive post! It's been 24 hours since my last update where I upgraded the Nvidia drivers according to the FAQ and I've had no lock-ups, freezes, or crashes.

The lack of crash logs was a strong indication that it wasn't directly caused by XBMC, specifically the fact that I wasn't getting kernel crash logs pretty clearly showed that it was either hardware or driver related. Since The system ran just fine with the previous OS (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) (and I'm talking about 6 hours between using the old OS/Eden and XBMCbuntu locking up the first time) I knew (hoped) it wasn't a hardware issue. The htpc has been in use throughout the day in different ways, I've watched several episodes without any problems, listened to some music, and the library has been updated a couple times.

I could even say that the system is a bit more responsive and smooth.

Edit: Still had lockups even after rebuilding, installing nvidia-experimential-304 appears to have corrected things.

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