Combining music libraries from different sources and removing duplicates
Here is my setup and query I'm hoping someone knows a solution for:

I have two PCs (mine and my girlfriends) that I want to combine in the one music library *but* keep as separate sources (not store all in the one place - long story as to why: different music download accounts - ability to keep them separate just in case). The problem with doing this is we have lots of overlapping albums, often even with the exact same files - but at least the same tags. If I simply add both sources to my XBMC library over the network there will be obviously lots of duplicates!

Unfortunately XBMC does not have a remove duplicates from music library feature that I can see Sad - does anyone know if it's even possible to do this in XBMC with some plugin, configuration modification, or even another media server with the goal to have the "library server" itself on a Rasberry Pi.

Many thanks in advance!
You could probably hack it in by editing the database, but it'd need to be done each time you scan.

Note that you won't have duplicate albums, just duplicate songs in albums, as the songs are tied to the filesystem.
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Combining music libraries from different sources and removing duplicates0