Video playback stops around 22 mins
I finally got my HTPC completed ysterday and I'm using frodo as the main mediacentre. I sat down to watch a downloaded tv show last night, 1080p, dd5.1 mkv, and at around 22 mins, playback stopped and it returned to the menu. I know it was around 22 mins because this was the time I was given to resume playback from. I thought maybe it was an issue with the file itself, but I put a 720p dd5.1 mkv show on just now and at 21m41s, playback stopped and returned to the menu again.

Is anyone else experiencing this and is it a known bug or whatever?
Does the file play to the end in another player? VLC, WMP etc.?
Nvidia Shield 2017
Kodi 20.3

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Video playback stops around 22 mins0