Focus color in radio button
I have a problem that should be easy for you skinners and developers of xbmc, but looking at the wiki I could not find a solution.

I have a "radiobutton" menu of profiles to activate the login screen, I wanted the radio button (label) has a color of focus, in the case FF74A6C7.

Despite having only one option in this sliding menu screen, this menu should be a standard in the skin in other areas with more options, hence, there is the need to have a focus color .
I would not want to use a texture to make the selection in this type of menu!

My code Radio button

            <control type="radiobutton" id="4">
                <description>Botão de liga ou desliga login</description>
                <font>Segoe Media Center</font>


Thanks for any help in advance!

Edit: I updated the wiki, someone forgot to add focusedcolor for the radio button control.
Thanks Black!

Seeing the wiki now, I see is there and not seen, I think I was messing with the very skin and started to not pay attention to things!

Problem solved, thank black!
I just added it there. Smile
Less evil that was not my lack of attention and now is concerted in wiki!

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Focus color in radio button1