Linux [RPI] Can't update various add-ons
I first noticed this problem the other day, when it told me there was an update from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7 for TVHeadend, so I tried to update but it showed Downloading (not sure if it actually downloaded as it was quite quick) and then just changed back to Update Available again.

Since then I've had this with a couple of other add-ons, so it seems to be a general problem I'm having. I should note I haven't actually been able to manually update any add-ons, so it's not just a certain few this is happening with and it's working fine with everything else (although I've only tried with three I think). I've seen other addons update automatically at boot successfully, with just a notification in the bottom right but I guess certain add-ons are meant to be updated manually?

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[RPI] Can't update various add-ons0