XBMC 11 -> 12 Upgrade - Grey arrow now showing next to certain movies?
Today I upgraded from 11.0 to 12.0. Now in my movie library view, I'm seeing grey arrows next to certain movies where normally the movie would have a checkmark to indicate if it's been watched or not. I'm not sure what it is and I have no idea what it even indicates, so I don't know what to look for in order to disable that. The only thing I know is that it's hiding the watched status for certain movies. Some movies I know I've watched, and other movies I know I haven't watched. When I select a movie with this arrow next to it, hit the context menu and select "Mark as watched", the actual watched status is not changed because the grey arrow is there. Needless to say I'm finding it rather annoying.

Is this some weird artifact from upgrading or is it a setting I can turn off? And on a related note, just in case I do need to reset all my settings to default, how can I export the watched status of all my movies?


In progress but not finished
(2013-03-17, 09:35)Ned Scott Wrote: In progress but not finished

What exactly does that mean? What's not finished? I still don't understand if this is some new functionality or a weird visual artifact from upgrading, and in either case it seems to be conflicting with the watched status.

It's a new feature, I think it will display if you've watched over a certain time/percentage but not got to a certain time/percentage near the end, but I'm not 100% sure on this and not sure what the times/percentages would be.

Hypothetical example: over 5 mins watched but not within 5 min of end would display as In Progress
The checkmark indicates you've watched all of a title. The arrow indicates you've watched some of the title. That's what Ned meant by 'In progress but not finished". If you select one of those particular titles it'll ask if you want to resume from where you left off.
Ahh interesting. Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't aware of that new feature. I started one of those movies and it had the option to resume, so I selected "Watch from beginning" or however it's named and then stopped the movie right away. That cleared away that marker.

Yeah, I read Ned's reply wrong...I thought he was referring to some new functionality that wasn't finished, which I thought was strange since it was a major version release Tongue
Sorry for the confusion :)

IIRC, I think it will mark as "watched" if you are 90% into the file. It will mark as "in progress" if more than 15 seconds into the file, but less than 90% into the file.

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XBMC 11 -> 12 Upgrade - Grey arrow now showing next to certain movies?0