Use internal drive for media. How?
If I partitioned the 500gb Drive inside my parents XBMC streamer to 50/450gb.

Could I use the 450gb to put media on it as well as delete it?

All via wired network?

It's running an openelec version.

How would I do all this? SSH?

Just thinking it could be simpler than them using a USB drive all the time [it doesn't always scan/recognise it]

What do you think?

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how about using SMB, just share the partition on the network add it to where to scan and your good to go
How do I set it to share from within xbmc?
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Bay Trail NUC FTW!

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Maybe I'm not getting something, but why set up SMB sharing for a device to use its own internal drive? and why partition it?

Just copy files over to the internal drive. If SSH is enabled, you can use SFTP to copy files over. You can also use USB and then use the file manager (under the System tab of the default skin).
OE by default creates 2 partitions - system and data - system is under a gig and the rest is for data. Are you saying you want a third for media? OE is setup with folders for media on its data partition and shares them via samba/ssftp if its enabled in the OE settings.

So depending on what you want to do it could already be setup for how you want it.

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Use internal drive for media. How?0