Music folder lacks visual wow.
Hi there.

I have XBMC 12.1 running the Aeon Nox skin.

When I load up my movies in library mode, it's full of pictures and an all together nice place to be.

I then load up my music folder, select the artists heading, and well, it's not as nice to look at. Most artists have some information about them present, formed, years active and a bit of blurb about the band. Nice.

But this all lacks some stunning photos to really bring it all to life.

Now, for example, I have Bastille. The band name has a nice photo in the menu that I scroll through, and next to the band's brief summary, there is a nice photo also. Epic.

But if I go and hover over Beyoncé, the main artist menu has a picture, but there is no picture next to the blurb.

Most of the bands have album art when I select the artist. But why do most not show an artist picture and then another picture by the information displayed? What information is missing for this to be displayed?

I've tried a few scrapers from within XBMC and told them to pull data from where ever they can and then set them off. I've tried downloading programs to windows and setting them to grab everything they know about in my music directory. But loads still missing, just seems odd as I've tried so many options.

My music is stored in separate folders per artist as follows. Artist-Album-Track# Track Name.

Where am I going wrong?

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Music folder lacks visual wow.0