Duplicate entries appearing in TV SHOW library..
Hi guys,

I have two raspberry pi's
one set up as a NAS (raspian) with a 1tb hd connected to it with all my media on it (auto downloads via sickbeard / sabnzb)
I also have another pi connected to my TV running RASPBMC

On the RASPBMC I went to videos --> Add source ---> Samba --> navigated to the workgroup folder and I could see the 1tb drive shared folder in the list. I clicked ok and all the content from the 1tb drive was scanned into the xbmc library and then accessible via "TV shows".

All was working well and then SAMBA all of a sudden decided to stop working. So all the files in the TV show list would not play...They all had a source of smb://bla bla/shared folder/episode... etc etc

So I cleaned the library using the built in "Clean library" option and the dead links were removed. I then re-added a new source but using the direct IP of the NAS folder instead of the hostname.... Since doing this however, it looks as if samba started working again properly with the host name. So I now have duplicate entries of every episode in my TV library...

When I look at the epsiode details for each file and its duplicate I can see they are of the form below..
smb://NASPI/series A/episode1.mkv
smb:// A/episode1.mkv

I have tried deleting both sources from the library (aswell as Clean Library again) however every time the library is scanned for new content, both duplicates of every episode re-appear.

How can I completely delete my video library without having to re-install xbmc from scratch again?
I will then just add 1 source with the IP based format which should alleviate the issue.

Many thanks in advance
When you delete the source it should ask you if you want to update the library. Readd the source you want to remove, remove it again, and that will retrigger the prompt to update the library with removing that source.

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Duplicate entries appearing in TV SHOW library..0