What is and how do you handle your photo repository solution? (XBMC related)
I've managed to have a central unique music & videos repository, it's easy because I mainly purchase and download all of the content online and it's downloaded directly on the repository where XBMC reads. But with photos is different. My main photo source is my iPhone 5 and my girlfriend's iPhone.

Basically my question is, how do you transfer your iPhone pictures to your XBMC library and keep that ordered? How do you categorize pictures, etc.

PD: I know you can connect your iPhone via USB & copy photos etc, etc etc.. I'm just asking if you guys have a more automated or seamless way to handle your photos library !

no ideas ? Sad
there is no picture library. Only shares which you can access and an addon for databasing your pics. But either way, you'll have to copy your photo's to a share, just like with videos and music.

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What is and how do you handle your photo repository solution? (XBMC related)0