Linux [XBMCbuntu] Problems with inserted discs

I have some troubles with discs (Audio CD and DVDs)...

When I insert a DVD, XBMC brings me a menu asking what type of files I want to browse. But I want to have the DVD played automatically, and the option is check in the preferences. But it does not work.

More, I don't have the 'Play Disc' menu. Is it something I have to enable somewhere? I can't find such option...

The other issue is once the disc is ejected, either with the button (I patched the udev rule, as explained on a thread) or from the right-click menu on AUDIO_TS dir, new disc inserted are not automatically mounted!

I was previously using Geexbox 3.0, running Eden, and all was working fine. So, it is not a hardware issue.

Thanks for you help.
Thanks, I didn't se this post!

But, hum, it does work really well... With the RUN command in the udev rule, the DVD is launched twice, and the CD 3 times!!!! And when I eject the DVD, the tray reloads immediatly (I don't have time to get the disc), and the DVD is played again... I have no issue when ejecting the CD.

I tried to remove the RUN command from the udev rule: then, I get the Play Disc menu (as above), and I can read the disc by clicking on the Menu. Both are launched only once. Much better. But I still have the problem when ejecting the DVD Sad

Ok, so, it seems to be related to udev. Surprise-suprise! This thing is really annoying...

Can you explain me what XBMC expects in order to work as it should (having all its options working, as it does under Geebox)? I think there are some nut rules done by the ubuntu team which conflict with XBMC features... If I know how it works, I may be able to track down the problem...

Thanks for your help.
Personally, I just stopped at post #3 and never tried post #5 of the linked thread. I don't use discs very often, so having to click PLAY DISC is a tolerable workaround.
Ok, but in my case, the Play Disc menu does not appear without the udev rule, adding links from /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd to /dev/sr0... I guess this is what XBMC needs to show te menu.

It is also fine to me to click to launch CD/DVD reading. I would just like to fix the eject issue...
Tacking down this issue, I found this (confirm by some other people):

- when inserting the CD/DVD, it is seen as a hard drive, and mounted this way
- no symbolic link /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd created
- no 'Play disc' menu'
- no way to eject, except button (but the media is not unmounted, and if unmounted by hand, next CD/DVD/ inserted is never seen)

With the udev rule which adds symbolic links, like described in the other post, the 'Play disc' menu is added, but it is also mount the DVD!!! This is why I still have problem when ejecting...

I'm trying to find the udev rule which mount the CD/DVD, but I didn't find it so far...
Found this post:

Solved the eject issue. But it is still not possible to auto-play Audio CD/DVD...

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