Multiple Dumb HTPC Questions
Newbie alert:
I'm currently downloading content onto my Lenovo laptop then carrying my computer across the room and plugging an HDMI cable from it into the back of my Samsung bigscreen.

I need to put an end to this walking, carrying, connecting.

My TV has only one HDMI input and one DVI.

I'd like to do something with an Apple TV, possibly a 2nd gen, some sort of HTPC that will STAY behind the TV and do the downloading AND playing without any plugging in and out or transporting.

Can anyone point me to a good schematic or bill of materials or instruction manual? (I'd like to keep the total cost under 500 if at all possible......and, I have a couple of 6 or 7 year old tower PC's in the junk room, but I don't know if they're of any use in this project or not.)

If I were in your situation (and I was), I would make life easy and get something like the Lenovo Q190 or the Acer Revo L70/80 (or RL70/80). They both have a range to suit budget and the low end models of both will handle 1080p with no problems (at least in Windows 8 which is what I'm using on my Q190). Then I'd get a HDMI splitter for about 20/30 quid to give me more HDMI inputs for both the HTPC and AppleTV.

What kind of storage space will you be needing? My Q190 came with a 500Gb HDD (400Gb free ready for PVR duty when I get a DVB-S2 stick), but then I have 3Tb on a NAS. Go for as much external storage space as money allows.

If you want it sitting behind the TV (both the Revo and the Lenovo come with VESA mounts for the back of most TV sets) and downloading, then it also sounds like a SABnzbd, Couchpotato, SickBeard and possibly Headphones set-up is the way to go. There is a good guide on this site for getting that going.

Not sure about the Apple TV thing as I'm completely and utterly anti-Mac so can't help you there!

Your old tower PC's may be up to handling 'something' but you really want a low power, always on system for downloading duty, and it's likely the towers of that age have 200/300W PSU compared to the Acer's 65W or so.

You're really starting with a blank slate for all intents and purposes so the sky's the limit really (well, the budget is, but you know what I mean)!
(2013-04-03, 12:27)JesusOnEez Wrote: If I were in your situation (and I was), I would make life easy and get something like the Lenovo Q190 or the Acer Revo L70/80 (or RL70/80). They both have a range to suit budget and the low end models of both will handle 1080p with no problems (at least in Windows 8 which is what I'm using on my Q190). Then I'd get a HDMI splitter for about 20/30 quid to give me more HDMI inputs for both the HTPC and AppleTV.
You're really starting with a blank slate for all intents and purposes so the sky's the limit really (well, the budget is, but you know what I mean)!

Thanks for a couple of great ideas, Jesus!

I know that it's tough to suggest to someone who's a total stranger what they ought to be looking at for an entertainment setup.....but, I hope to get a little more input from some of the guys on this site.

Basically, I'm just looking to cancel a huge chunk of my Cable Company's monthly GOUGE out of my paycheck......and put the savings towards some of my OWN equipment instead of helping them buy THEIRS!!

Ideally, I'd like a remote controlled hard drive that has 5,000 movies on it.

Now.......what do I need to achieve that?? Hmmmmmm........
well, for starters- 5000 movies :-)
(2013-04-03, 23:41)wes paich Wrote: well, for starters- 5000 movies :-)

Reminds me of the old Steve Martin joke:
Quote:You.. can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes! You can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes! You say.. "Steve.. how can I be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes?" First.. get a million dollars.
(2013-04-03, 23:41)wes paich Wrote: well, for starters- 5000 movies :-)

It's called "the internet"........right? Doh. I mean.....' know........all that 100 year old stuff with no copyright on it. Yeah, that's the, Netflix, fer example!

So, when I say I'm looking for some "NEWBIE" advice....I really mean it.

I've got a big old Samsung flat screen......and my Motorola PVR.....out of which comes my $110 a month worth of Basic HD (which I understand EVERYBODY gets nowdays, providing they've ponied up for the HD box...which I DID when I bought it outright off my Digital Three Pack which include some movie channels and a sports channel.

But that's it! So I SERIOUSLY need to add some kind of Home Theatre computronics here, or I'm just not gonna be able to hold my head up in the community that much longer.

I DON'T EVEN HAVE NETFLIX for cryin out loud!!!

So, I figure I need, at a MINIMUM.....a jailbroken ATV 2.........and then...........and then..........Huh?

Come on, guys. Give the new kid a break! What should be on my shopping list? Throw EVERYTHING at me; I'll quit asking and quit buying when I figure I've spent everything I'm gonna save by cancelling all my "extra" cable channels.

5000 movies...yikes! Now, without writing a full-on 20 page setup guide, I was as clueless as you (no offense) only a month ago and have all the below working nicely thanks to this forum and others. Certain things you are asking are straying into slightly iffy territory from a legality perspective so I won't help with that as it's against the T&C of the site, but you should be able to find help from that perspective elsewhere easily enough.

1. A NAS with as many Tb as you can afford to fit into it (this will store all your stuff and serve it up to any and all devices)
2. A net-top like the Revo or Q190 (or build your own if you're brave (hooked up to your TV via HDMI, possible fibre-op for sound depending on connections)
3. HDMI splitter to up the number of sockets on your TV.
4. Networking gear, ideally wired, perhaps those things that make your electrical wiring carry data. I use them, they're great. You have internet, so you have a router. This needs to be connected to your NAS. The router also needs to be connected to your net-top (net-top = mini-pc). Ideally this connection needs to be wired unless you have brilliant wireless reception where you need it (where your net-top will go).

1. Operating System (Linux or Windows...Windows is probably easiest for a newbie, but I'd go for 7 as 8 has issues that require a different guide altogether).
1. XBMC (obviously)
2. SABnzbd
3. SickBeard
4. Couchpotato

1. NZB Provider (like NZB Matrix EU or similar) - A one off payment of about 10 bucks should suffice
2. Newsgroup membership 1 - Monthly (about 10 bucks per month)
3. Newsgroup membership 2 - Bulk (about 20/30 bucks as and when needed

Now this set-up will give you all-you-can-eat content, but there are other XBMC add-ons you can get hold of which I can't help you with which will get you more 'stuff'.

I'm in the UK and I'm doing this to save on my £70 per month Sky TV bill so much the same situation as you really...I'm just about at the point where I think I can ditch the Sky box (the equivalent of your Cable box) and will probably make my money back in about 6 months.

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