Video Bookmarks
i would like to know where my created video bookmarks are kept on the xbox hdd. whenever i update xbmc i wipe the install dir and replace it with a fresh new version but i lose my video bookmarks everytime i do it. can anyone tell me where they might be so i can back them up before deleting them all?
video bookmarks are kept in the video database. when upgrading you dont need to wipe everything unless you have a problem. changing the <albums> location in xboxmediacenter.xml to an alternate location helps preserve your databases.

but, if you have a problem where a particular media window appears "empty", rename the appropiate database. database upgrades dont always work.
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thanks kraqh3d but where is the video database? i've gone right through my xbmc install dir and can't find anything to do with databases.

also i did a search in xboxmediacenter.xml for <albums> and all i found was <albums>$home\albums</albums> which seems is only related to the music albums cache.

please excuse my noobness :d
all three of the databases are located there.
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