Frodo continually crashing.
Hi everyone.

This is my first post here, so if I've left anything out or you need any further information, let me know as I really need help! As it is at the moment, my ATV is basically a paperweight.

First things first though...

Platform: AppleTV2 (black)
Version: 5.2.1 (6026) Platform: Darwin iOS (13.0.0, Version 6.1.3 (Build 10B329a))
XBMC Build version: XBMC 12.1 Git: 20130317-od373cc (Compiled March 17 2013)
Install Method: apt-get
Location of share: EXT HDD plugged into Airport Extreme, using 5GHz Wi-Fi network.

Issue: XBMC has crashed around 30 times since I installed it a few hours ago. It crashes while changing settings, it crashes while navigating to change settings, and it crashes within seconds of entering the 'Movies' section.

When I say it crashes, I mean it crashes back to the ATV menu. Continually. Repeatedly. I have eventually been able to switch between Confluence and Aeon Nox - with each being as unstable as each other.

Here are some logs:


I really hope someone with more knowledge (and patience) than I can help!
Here are a few more XBMC logs from this afternoon (just in case they help):

XBMC #11593 - Uptime: 1 minute 47 seconds. Skin: Confluence.
XBMC #11594 - Uptime: 35 seconds. Skin Confluence.
XBMC #11595 - Uptime: 1 minute 17 seconds. Skin: Aeon Nox.
XBMC #11603 - Uptime: 52 seconds. Skin: Aeon Nox.
XBMC #11608 - Uptime: 2 minutes 58 seconds. Skin: Aeon Nox.
XBMC #11609 - Uptime: 52 seconds. Skin: Aeon Nox.

As you can see from above, the thing is pretty much unusable. Confused
that crashreport is no crashreport. But as of your syslog you are experiencing slot of out of memory crashes. Please try to downgrade to 12.0 and see if this helps.
Thanks for your advice. I downgraded to the Eden stable build you posted yesterday and that is more stable - I'm now getting crashes when I'm loading a movie, whereas before I couldn't even get to that point. I'll try again the next chance I get; it's late here and I've been at this for too long. Talk about a learning curve!

Thanks again for your help.
It turned out that the Eden install wasn't any more stable when it came to actually watching a movie, but I think I have fixed it.

After Memphiz mentioned that I was experiencing a lot of out of memory crashes, I decided to go through and disable everything I didn't need in order to free up memory. The first thing I did was hide everything but XBMC and Photo Stream from the ATV home screen (under ATV > General > Parental Controls), then I stopped the ATV from forcing the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 - 60Hz (ATV > Settings > Audio & Video > TV Resolution > Auto). After this I loaded XBMC and, lo and behold, I could watch a movie!

After starting several movies with no crashes, I upgraded back to Frodo, and was able to start another three or four movies with only one crashing. Not rock solid, but at least it's usable.

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