Info "i" button not giving Movie info
I just updated from Eden to Frodo 12.2 , and no matter which skin I use, the i for info key does nothing when in movies, any reason, or was it disabled?
Still works. More info may help your cause.
Usually means the scraper you used to scrape your movies is not installed. If you used the IMDB scraper try installing the Universal Movie Scraper instead as the IMDB scraper is no longer supported in Frodo.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
cool!, I did mess with the scrapers last night, I'll try the scraper routine out, and report back, thanks guys!

Windows 7 ultimate,
intel i5 sandybridge
nvidia msi gtx 460
using hdmi out (with sound) and dvi out (no sound, only use this one for maintenance)
corsair 120gb ssd
2x2tb seagate baracudas
1z1tb seagate baracuda
thermaltake black external HD dualbay hotswap esata (2tb currently)
xbox 360 controller
unraid about 12tb (currently) mixed drives

Hyperspin integrated
the universal scraper worked, thank you very much!

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Info "i" button not giving Movie info0