Help needed. Frodo Upgrade does not work for me.

Windows 7, Eden to Frodo 12.2, Using mySQL DB on a remote server.

I need some help updating to Frodo from Eden. This is using 12.2 over Eden. With Eden, I had all of my movies and TV Shows working fine. If I selected Movies from the Home Screen bar, my movies were shown, the same with TV Shows.

Eden Log File:

After installing Frodo 12.2 overtop of Eden, I do not have any movies or TV shows visible. The home screen bar does not have the Movies or TV Shows entries. I know the DB's were created on my server as I can see MyMusic32 and MyVideos75 Databases using HeidiSQL. Looking at the data inside the db, all TVShow and movie information is listed. The DB's look good.

Frodo Log File:

Can anyone guide me through, help me out or point me in the right direction? I have read all of the information that I thought was relevant, to no avail.

Really? No one can look at my logs and try to help me out? Bump.
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Yeah....sorry for being a bit impatient. I have been trying to get Frodo working for 2 days now and am about at my wits end.

Once again sorry.

Dont think your migration worked well

19:20:38 T:4504   DEBUG: Mysql execute: CREATE TABLE seasons ( idSeason integer primary key auto_increment , idShow integer, season integer) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
19:20:38 T:4504   ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1050)
                                            Query: CREATE TABLE seasons ( idSeason integer primary key auto_increment , idShow integer, season integer) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
19:20:38 T:4504   ERROR: Exception updating database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
19:20:38 T:4504   ERROR: Error updating database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
19:20:38 T:4504   DEBUG: Mysql rollback transaction

I would just export my DB from Eden and import it into a fresh DB in Frodo

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Thanks for helping saitoh183.

That brings up another problem I have. I tried exporting from Eden, first into a single file. I pointed Frodo to the exported DB (from within Frodo where it says "Import database" in settings). Frodo did not see the xml file so it wouldn't do the import. I tried exporting to "Multiple files", but that just goes and exports the nfos, images and such back into the folders that contain the movies...right? From there how do I import? I am lost?


P.S. the thing is, MyVideos75 was created and filled with all of my tvshow and movie information. Yet, Frodo can't see it or use it? I don't get it.
Start fresh (drop the current MyVideos75)Export Multiple Files in Eden

before scanning in your data ,in your advancedsettings.xml add


Then Update library and it will put everything back

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
Tried this, didn't work. But did create and fill myvideos75 and my music32.

Looks like, according to my log file, Frodo can not connect to my mysql database:

Nothing has changed and in fact Dharma and Eden both have no problem connecting.

Hopefully someone can come up with something I am not doing or doing right?

Thanks again,
your link doesnt wok

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Fixed it..sorry
21:28:54 T:1112  NOTICE: Attempting to update the database MyMusic32 from version 18 to 32
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1050)
                                            Query: CREATE TABLE album_artist ( idArtist integer, idAlbum integer, boolFeatured integer, iOrder integer )
                                             CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Exception updating database MyMusic32 from version 18 to 32
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Error updating database MyMusic32 from version 18 to 32
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic31 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic31')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic30 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic30')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic29 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic29')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic28 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic28')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic27 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic27')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic26 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic26')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic25 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic25')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic24 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic24')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic23 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic23')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic22 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic22')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic21 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic21')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic20 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic20')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic19 [1049](Unknown database 'mymusic19')
21:28:54 T:1112  NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 18 to 32
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: SQL: Can't create database for copy: 'MyMusic18' (1007)
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to copy old database MyMusic18 to new version MyMusic32
21:28:54 T:1112  NOTICE: Attempting to update the database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1060)
                                            Query: ALTER TABLE path ADD dateAdded text
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Exception updating database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Error updating database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos74 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos74')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos73 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos73')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos72 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos72')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos71 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos71')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos70 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos70')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos69 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos69')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos68 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos68')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos67 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos67')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos66 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos66')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos65 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos65')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos64 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos64')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos63 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos63')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos62 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos62')
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos61 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos61')
21:28:54 T:1112  NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 60 to 75
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: SQL: Can't create database for copy: 'MyVideos60' (1007)
21:28:54 T:1112   ERROR: Unable to copy old database MyVideos60 to new version MyVideos75

What version of Mysql you using?

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MySQL 5.1

Does that make a difference to Frodo?

try 5.5

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Help needed. Frodo Upgrade does not work for me.0