Req Play live news
playlivenews .com has many news channels. it used to be zahitv. it also has the infamous fox news, that when anyone requests just get blasted down wïth no help...not even advice on making a plugin. im hoping since playlivenews has so many channels we may be able to get some help. i have no idea if its possible to add to the "livestream" addon in an xml file. i am willing to put in time on making a addon for play live news so we can get all the channels they offer. i just need a starting point and help...not just "go to the wiki". i thank you in advance for any help that can be provided, and hope for the addition of another addon.
(2013-05-16, 18:57)letrain Wrote: playlivenews .com has many news channels. it used to be zahitv. it also has the infamous fox news, that when anyone requests just get blasted down wïth no help...not even advice on making a plugin. im hoping since playlivenews has so many channels we may be able to get some help. i have no idea if its possible to add to the "livestream" addon in an xml file. i am willing to put in time on making a addon for play live news so we can get all the channels they offer. i just need a starting point and help...not just "go to the wiki". i thank you in advance for any help that can be provided, and hope for the addition of another addon.

Pm me links of that website and i can code them if you wish into an xml
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