Linux Losing Connection
Hello guys, look like I will be needing your help.
I've just bought an INTEL NUC and made it my HTPC. All I have running on that is XBMCBuntu.
I connect to my NAS through NFS to stream my movies. My NUC is connected through a cable so I don't use wireless.
I seem to lose network/internet connectivity on my NUC when I try to stream something or when I try to download apps and whatnot. I know my internet is working because I can access it through my laptop and besides when I am streaming a movie through my NAS I don't use internet.
I've made a log file which you can view
I've reinstalled XBMCbuntu and it didn't fix the issue. Sometimes after several reboots it keeps the connection. I've also tried to set a static IP and DNS but that didn't help also.

Can anyone see what is wrong through the log? I really don't want to spend money on Windows 8 so I'd rather make this work.
I would be inclined to check syslog myself, as this doesn't sound like XBMC problem (I'm guessing).

If you're able to reinstall Linux without XBMC you could isolate the problem?

If it is Linux then I might be the drivers are not free enough; I know this is an issue with Debian, so the non-free repository is required in /etc/apt/sources.list

Of course, if someone more XBMC savvy than me can see a problem in the posted log .. more power to you
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"
I thought about that and quit XBMC and logged into XBMCBuntu, I pinged my NAS and it never dropped once. The highest response time was something like .25 ms. So there wasn't even a high spike
Did you set mount points in your fstab to mount the nfs-shares?

Have yout tried using SMB instead of NFS?
(2013-05-20, 14:06)hooligan514 Wrote: Hello guys, look like I will be needing your help.
I've just bought an INTEL NUC and made it my HTPC. All I have running on that is XBMCBuntu.
I connect to my NAS through NFS to stream my movies. My NUC is connected through a cable so I don't use wireless.
I seem to lose network/internet connectivity on my NUC when I try to stream something or when I try to download apps and whatnot. I know my internet is working because I can access it through my laptop and besides when I am streaming a movie through my NAS I don't use internet.
I've made a log file which you can view
I've reinstalled XBMCbuntu and it didn't fix the issue. Sometimes after several reboots it keeps the connection. I've also tried to set a static IP and DNS but that didn't help also.

Can anyone see what is wrong through the log? I really don't want to spend money on Windows 8 so I'd rather make this work.
At what line in the log do you say network is lost?

Have you looked at the output of dmesg?
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