HTPC with light gaming - what processor?
Hi. I run XBMC on Linux on moderate hardware. AMD X2 250 with Nvidia 640. Mupen64 struggles just a little bit, and pcsx2 was a definite no. My choice to go with Nvidia was VDPAU support, although I can't remember why that's good. Without emulation I'm hoping to squeeze Stream gaming out of it too :-). Interesting to know how the i3 handles emulators, as it would likely be my next upgrade.
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"
Any update on how this system progressed? I'm looking at basically the exact same setup (diff case, but basically same size), but I'm curious about cooling an i3 in a case that small. How did it turn out for you? Did you go with the low profile cooler you listed or something else? Does it run hot? Any fan noise? How were your results on the emulator front and have you tried any standard pc games?
I can tell you the i3-3225 with the Dynatron T459 runs nicely in the Realan E-i5 case having built many of them.
I finally got around to migrating that Radeon HD 6850 into the XBMC machine. It runs a great deal of steam games amazingly now I must say. Smile

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HTPC with light gaming - what processor?0