Sudden Slow Down
Our XBMC setup has suddenly started playing up, its on a mega slow down and I have no idea why so hoping someone can help us out.

First up, the specs :

- Foxconn A76ML-K 3.0
- AMD Sempron 145 2.8GHz
- 2GB DDR3
- 160GB (OS) + 3 x 2TB (Movies) SATAII
- Nvidia GeForce GT 610
- Windows 7, XBMC 12.2, Aeon Nox, Latest GPU Drivers

Secondly, the problem :

We recently reached the 1400 movie mark and roughly around that time XBMC went on a massive slow down. We are using the Aeon Nox skin and have our collection separated into 'categories/genres' like Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, etc. which are in smart playlists which I have linked to most of the home items (including the default ones), basically as it is done in this video. Each menu item has a backdrop and some has submenu items.

All was working perfectly until a few days ago when XBMC suddenly started going extremely slow. The backdrops take a long time to load, then going into a menu item takes much longer than usual, then the posters and backdrops take longer than usual to load and even navigating through the posters causes it to stutter and lag behind in updating posters and backdrops. This problem is made worse if I back out of the menu item and then enter another one, and sometimes even worse if I go into the Settings menu item to change something and then back out.

I have CTRL + ALT + DEL to bring up the task manager and to begin with it was saying XBMC was using 100% just idling on the main menu. So I looked that up on google and tried using dirty regions, this made little difference so I removed it from my advancedsettings.xml file and now XBMC will sit at 60%-70% at idle but the problem described above is still continuing.

I understand that our hardware is far from top end, but please bare in mind before you respond that it has been running perfectly until our collection creeped over 1400. Before suggesting new hardware we would appreciate other solutions to try first, but we do plan to purchase more RAM and an SSD to store the OS/XBMC in the near future.

Actually watching video files works perfectly even at 1080p. Having pressed 'o' whilst playing a movie, it says the core (single) hovers around 10%-20%. I then flipped the switch to allow XBMC to run in a fullscreen window so that I could bring up the task manager in front of XBMC whilst it was open. XBMC was at 100% whilst navigating the menu, a few seconds after the movie started playing it dropped to 30%-40% and sticks there. This is just an XBMC GUI navigation issue we are having.

Also just noticed that with the debug information on screen, if I navigate into the settings menu item and allow the CPU to rest (at 40%-50%) and then back out the main screen it goes banana's and hits 100% within seconds and stays there. I was suspecting it may be the 1080p wallpapers I have applied to each customized menu item we have (12 in total) but if I go into the "main menu item customizer" then it runs just fine displaying all backdrops perfecly and the CPU % is still low.

- Log File

I have uploaded a video of our HTPC in action, which has embarrassingly caught me on camera in the reflection.

The red backdrops are 120x67 jpgs, as I wanted to see if the 1920x1080 files I was using were causing the issue. See how the CPU usage drops shortly after entering the main menu item customizer and then rockets back up to 100% when exiting back to home screen. It never used to behave like this, I added a few new movies and then its acted like this since.

Having just switched from Aeon Nox to Confluence, I can confirm that it is an Aeon Nox issue as CPU is at 50% whilst idling on home screen with the Confluence skin applied.
Have you tried using XBMCLauncher? It replaces Windows shell with XBMC. While I didn't have the same issues you are having, it has certainly helped performance for my system. Another thing to consider would be installing Openelec to a USB drive and booting from it. On my system I used to dual boot between Openelec for XBMC and Windows for general usage, this could be a decent option for you as well. Do you have any addons installed? Sometimes I find that certain addons significantly slow down my setup, I would recommend uninstalling a few to see if the issue can be tracked down to that, in particular NextAired caused some issues with my system and comes with Nox by default so maybe trying uninstalling that. Good luck, and post back if you resolve the issue so future users can benefit from a solution if they are in the same boat.
Perhaps there are some answers in this heated discussion? Page 4 in particular.
HTPC: Dell Optiplex 7050 SFF i7-7700 quad-core, 3.6GHz, 16GB
NAS: Synology DS1813+ and DX513, Hybrid RAID (SHR) 48TB usable space
My Media Center | |
Thanks both, I will try both suggestions and report back.

I'm not sure about Openelec as if I'm honest I am happy with the way the set up is at the moment, I just want it to work properly again! I will look into it though
Deleted guisettings.xml which was the first thing suggested in that thread and launched XBMC, switched from Confluence to Aeon Nox and what do you know CPU is between 20%-40% on idle at the home screen.

It must have been something I did in the settings of Aeon Nox. Rather than pursue this trivial problem I will just adjust the default settings one at a time until I am back to how it was.

Having completely set it up the way it was before, it now idles 10%-20% on main menu. Bizarre, but glad its working great again now!

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