raspberry pi Failed to launch
When I turn off my raspberry pi and turn it back on then there is a error and then I have to put the program back on and install everything over and over again.
please help.
.... and the error is ?
It will not start up, and it says there is a error.
Well, can be thousands of things and you have provided very little info.

My guess is SD corruption due to:
1. Not proper shutdown. If you just unplug the Pi you will sooner or later have SD corruption.
2. Bad SD card. Try another one.
3. Poor power supply ( http://elinux.org/RPi_Hardware#Power_Supply_Problems ). Test it with a multimeter or test another one.
4. To high overclock. Reduce if you overclock.

If it isn´t a power supply issue I suggest that you use a USB install, preferably a USB3-stick.
Which distro are you using (Raspbmc, OpenELEC, Xbian)?
I'm using raspbmc.

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