Android TV Scraping
On my W7 HTPC I have an xml file called advancedsettings where I can specify how the TV scraper identifies season and episode. What and where is the equivalent file on Android 4.1.2?

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Thanks for at least responding. That's what I do on my W7 XBMC system. I just don't have a clue how to do the same on my Android tablet. Movies scrape just fine but the TV shows won't scrape properly with the season/episode (S1E1) structure I use on my W7 system.

I'm not even sure Android understands XML so it may have to be a *nix derivative file.
Everything in the userdata (wiki) folder, including the advancedsettings.xml file, is readable on every platform XBMC runs on, including Android. The userdata (wiki) link should point you to where the userdata folder is.
There you go, that's what I was looking for! Thanks Ned.
(2013-06-20, 10:37)Ned Scott Wrote: Everything in the userdata (wiki) folder, including the advancedsettings.xml file, is readable on every platform XBMC runs on, including Android. The userdata (wiki) link should point you to where the userdata folder is.

Ok, I put the advanced setting xml in the (Android/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/files/.xbmc/userdata/) directory and it still doesn't scrape.

I then turned on debug to try and see what was happening and when I went to where the debug file is located (/data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/temp) I noticed a folder named scrapers and inside is 2 more empty folders named and metadata.universal.

Now since TV shows aren't scraping properly I am wondering if the advancedsettings.xml should be in the scrapers folder. BTW, movies scrape fine but when I scrape the TV shows I have all I get is X(TV Series) being listed as a series which doesn't exist.
debug log (wiki) needed. Advancedsettings.xml only works in the userdata folder (or profile userdata folders).
(2013-06-21, 07:25)Ned Scott Wrote: debug log (wiki) needed. Advancedsettings.xml only works in the userdata folder (or profile userdata folders).

debug posted here:
Not sure why, but it's not seeing the advancedsettings.xml file at all.
(2013-06-22, 04:15)Ned Scott Wrote: Not sure why, but it's not seeing the advancedsettings.xml file at all.

I found 1 problem in double checking everything.

I used ES3 FileExplorer to copy the advancedsettings.xml file and when I drilled down the path Android/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/files/ it stopped. So I created folder xbmc/userdata and dropped advancedsettings.xml in there. As I was double checking I noticed that xbmc folder is actually .xbmc but ES3 wouldn't let me change the folder name.

To make a long story short I finally discovered everything below Android/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/files/ was hidden and I had copied advancedsettings.xml to the wrong place. I have corrected all that and will try again.

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