Changed pictures displaying in Pictures Home etc.
i have searched this forum (and others) but cannot find what i am looking for. it's really a very basic skinning question i guess.....

the pmiii skin displays various images in the background for each home screen. i want to change the pictures displayed to my own pictures.

i am able to add .png images to the specific folders under media and have them displayed after the ones that are originally on display. how can i remove the default pictures?

i have also tried using xbmctex.exe on a set of custom .png's but the resulting textures.xpr doesn't show up if it's placed in the root of media (where the original default textures.xpr is usually placed). are there any specific naming convention on the files included in the textures.xpr that makes them display in different home screens?
i had the same "error" Wink

just rename your folders with the png and change the name in the home.xml
with "4x3mypictures" etc. the pngs are shown after the default pictures. if the folder with your pngs are renamed, then xbmc will look in this folder first.
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(solo0815 @ dec. 16 2005,14:31 Wrote:i had the same "error" Wink

just rename your folders with the png and change the name in the home.xml
with "4x3mypictures" etc. the pngs are shown after the default pictures. if the folder with your pngs are renamed, then xbmc will look in this folder first.
ok. i'll give it a try.

no ideas on the structure of the textures.xpr and if it's possible to just build a new one and replace the existing one with?
sure, you can rebuild textures.xpr to remove the current pictures.

just grab all the source images from cvs, replace the ones you want, then run xbmctex on the media/ folder.

hopefully a non-xdk version of xbmctex will be possible shortly so that you don't need the xdk in order to do this.

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ok. i still don't get this though. as it seems certain pictures included in the textures.xpr "package" are displayed at different home screens; but what is actually pointing out which picture that is displayed at a certain home screen? if i just run the xbmctex on all my pictures they will end up in textures.xpr file, but what does actually direct them to the different home screens?

most likely i have misunderstod something really basic about the xpr-files; but i am interested in learning......
read the online manual on "multiimage" controls. these are the ones used on the homepage.

basically, in home.xml, the folder to the picture files are specified. any pictures inside this folder either within textures.xpr (which stores things with their folder path intact), or in the media/<foldername> folder are used.

the easiest way to do what you want is to do the following:

1. grab the name of the folders from home.xml (or just look in the cvs webarchive).

2. make a new folder named "mytheme" and put new folders with these names inside it as subfolders.

3. put the images you want displayed in the subfolders.

4. copy xbmctex.exe into your "mytheme" folder, and run as follows:

xbmctex -output dontom.xpr

5. copy dontom.xpr into your media/ folder under the pm3 skin on your xbox.

6. choose the dontom theme from settings->appearance.

7. enjoy for say 30 minutes or so.

8. now go write up a tutorial explaining how you did it (and any problems you faced) for the online manual Wink

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ahhh. now i am getting it. since the folder structure resides in the xpr-file the actual file names are irrelevant?

i'll give this a try and hopefully will i also find the time to update the on-line manual with a beginners guide to xpr.....

anyway. thanks!
for the multiimage control, only the folder name is relavent, as that's the only thing it looks for.

for every other control, the full path is relavent, as there's only a single texture assigned.
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Changed pictures displaying in Pictures Home etc.0