TV tuner card with synology
hi all :
i want to use a USB tv tuner (TechniSat SkyStar USB HD if possible as mentioned Here ) with synology NAS server and xbmc as frontend.
just wondering :
1-is channel changing time is better than putting the tv tuner in the server which run the XBMC?
2-can i record and watch live tv at same time and can i record from xbmc dvr?
3-can i see live tv on two tv simultaneously.
1. The time difference is marginal.

2. Normally you can only record the channel you are watching. To watch and record different channels you'll need two tuners or a dual-tuner card.

2.1. Yes you can record stuff directly from XBMC.

3. Same thing as in #2, you'll need two tuners to be able to watch two different channels at two different TVs, but even with a single tuner you can watch the same channel on as many setups as you want.

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TV tuner card with synology0