OS X Launching from AppleScript Causes Mouse Problems
I've been using XBMC for a while now on an iMac Late 2012 on OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.4. I have my computer in an office and my TV on another side of the office, but the computer is hooked to a receiver via HDMI and from there to the TV. XBMC performs as designed just fine.

Since I use XBMC both from the computer and on the couch I've had to write some scripts to make it not such a pain to adjust audio settings every time I want to switch locations. Everything works fine, but if I use AppleScript to open XBMC the mouse pointer will only move across a portion of the screen. Keyboard and remote input works fine. I can reproduce it every time by simply opening up AppleScript Editor and typing in the following and running it:

tell application "XBMC" to activate

Is there some way to work around this?

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