Unable to get xbmc running
new to the scene i installed xbmc 2004-02-01, but it just starts loading and then it just freezes. i am at a loss.i have tried different
versions but all with the same result. i think i have to edit one of the xlm files? but which one. any help or advise would be gratefull.

zubus Sad
it should work out of the box (without editing any of the xml files).

delete the 0face008 folder in e:/tdata and e:/udata and try again.
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hi there!
i have exactly the same prob , but deleting the facexxx folders in e:\tdata and e:\udata wont work!!
do just what hullebulle said.

unrar to a folder called xbmc.

dont edit any files in it yet.

delete 0face008 folders.

transfer all files over to the xbox (delete any old version of xbmc befor this)

reboot and it will work.
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if you have an old modchip bios then you might have to patch the xbe from debug to retail (using "dexbe" or "xbepatch" on pc)
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still no joy in getting it up and running. i have the x-ecuter 2.3b pro modified xbox, only had it a month, so i don't think i would have to patch the file to retail but i tried it anyway. just stars loading then stops, noiticed that if i eject the dvdrom when the program freezes it reboots the xbox?
is there settings in the xbox that i should alter-check, do i have to have it networked?

thanks for the advice

can we assume you followed our faq and disabled igr, trainer, etc. if using evox as primary boot dash? Image
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for my case : yes i disabled any igr or trainers!

25-02-2004 20:43:53 setup directx
25-02-2004 20:43:53 gui format 720x576 pal 4:3
25-02-2004 20:43:53 gui screen offset (0,0)
25-02-2004 20:43:53 creating subdirectories
25-02-2004 20:43:53 thumbnails folder:q:\thumbs
25-02-2004 20:43:53 shortcuts folder:q:\shortcuts
25-02-2004 20:43:53 albums folder:q:\albums
25-02-2004 20:43:53 recording folder:f:\music\recordings
25-02-2004 20:43:53 subtitle folder:q:\subtitles
25-02-2004 20:43:53 initialize network ip:[] netmask:[] gateway:[] nameserver:[]
25-02-2004 20:43:53 not initializing network, using settings as they are setup by dashboard
25-02-2004 20:43:53 init network
25-02-2004 20:43:53 get local ip adres:
25-02-2004 20:43:59 ip adres:
25-02-2004 20:43:59 load default skin:[mediacenter]

these are the last lines in the log file
@zool2k, your problem is probebly with the skin files, completly delete all the skin folders and copy them again from pc to xbox
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i'm having the same trouble.

i'm running xbmp fine and want to try xbmc as an application via xbmp. i understand this is possible. here's what i've done:

- unrar'd the 02-12 release and copied it to my e://apps/shortcuts directory (which is referenced in my xbmp config.xml file)
- deleted e://tdata/0face007
- deleted e://udata/0face007
- reboot xbox

when i go through the apps menu in xbmp, i see all the folders but not the config files. it seems to recognize the default.xbe as an executable because it has an app icon, but when i select it, my xbox pauses for about 4 seconds and then returns back to the xbmp main dashboard.

what should i be doing?
(sawdaw @ feb. 28 2004,23:10 Wrote:i'm having the same trouble.

i'm running xbmp fine and want to try xbmc as an application via xbmp. i understand this is possible. here's what i've done:

- unrar'd the 02-12 release and copied it to my e://apps/shortcuts directory (which is referenced in my xbmp config.xml file)
- deleted e://tdata/0face007
- deleted e://udata/0face007
- reboot xbox

when i go through the apps menu in xbmp, i see all the folders but not the config files. it seems to recognize the default.xbe as an executable because it has an app icon, but when i select it, my xbox pauses for about 4 seconds and then returns back to the xbmp main dashboard.

what should i be doing?
your talked about xbmpp, not xbmpc. 0face007 and config.xml is xboxmediaplayer, not xboxmediacenter. wrong forums
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i know, i'm trying to get xbmc working as an application under xbmp. i want to try out c before i replace p. isn't this possible?
(sawdaw @ feb. 29 2004,02:55 Wrote:i know, i'm trying to get xbmc working as an application under xbmp. i want to try out c before i replace p. isn't this possible?
ok (yes you can do that), i just did not see that connection when you posted as you only mentioned xbmp and not xbmc at all
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ok well i have the same problem. i ftped it to my e://apps. i then reboot my xbox, and when i turned it on and looked under my apps, i don't see it. i looked under the tdata and udata and i don't see anything that says 0face008.

edit:i fixed it...i was just being stupid.

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