Trouble with smartplaylist.
I have been using xbmc for quite some time and I just decided to create a smart playlist for my kids cartoons. I also created one for movies in order to hide the library(MOVIES). The problem is that in CARTOONS none of the movie info shows up. Movie cases are all messed up, no 3d cases, and no media flags at the bottom. Poster, Fanart and disc art are correct. If I un-hide the original MOVIES, they all show correctly with all the info.
Please I need help.
Thank you.
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(2013-08-21, 23:06)razr37 Wrote: If I un-hide the original MOVIES, they all show correctly with all the info.
Are you saying the missing info for those movies are present when you display them via MOVIES or via your smart playlist?
When i display them via MOVIES, everything is displayed. Via smart playlist is when it does not show info.

this is the thing, to be more clear. All my movies are already screpped with EMM.
//Media/Movies/movietitle.bdrip or .3d.ext
//Media/Cartoons/movietitle.bdrip or .3d.ext

I had movies and cartoon in MOVIES(library). Everything working fine so far.
Then I created two smart playlists. One called MOVIES(smartplaylist). One called CARTOONS(smartplaylist)
I then hid MOVIES(library).
MOVIES(smartplaylist) shows everything.
CARTOONS(smartplaylist) shows only Poster, Fanart and disc. Nothing at the bottom and movie cases messed up.
Does this issue also occur when using the default Confluence skin? If it does, then it's not an Aeon Nox (skin) issue and I'll move this thread to the General Help forum.
The playlists do not show in Confluence.
(2013-08-22, 00:34)razr37 Wrote: The playlists do not show in Confluence.
Are you saying you can't access the playlists when using Confluence or that the movie information is also missing while using the playlists in Confluence?

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Trouble with smartplaylist.0