Gotham playlists not working?
So my playlists in Gotham were working at first, but then I went and changed something in a playlist (this must have made it reload) and suddenly the playlist is blank. I tried it again with another playlist (just changing something simple like "limit to 50") and then that playlist went blank. I have a mysql database (not sure if that has anything to do with it) but that works fine for everything else. But when I run Pseudotv, I get an error that there are no scraped media in my library (I figured this was just PTV having problems with Gotham) but maybe the library is messed up? Any of the playlists I have not touched play fine, but as soon as I change ANYTHING in them, they go blank. If I look at the playlist .xsp file before and after, they appear the same. But only once I touch it from withing XBMC, will it no longer load.

Actually, as I look though all of them, some of them (most) seem to have become blank even without me doing anything. This may have been from PTV trying to open them or altering them? But it seems as if when I mess with them in Gotham, they break. I have been using the same ones for well over a year with no problems ever. This is brand new. Could it be because Gotham makes a database 76 instead of 75?

P.S. Pseudo TV worked when I first upgraded to Gotham, but then slowly one channel after another started breaking. There were less channels each time I ran it, so it must have been because as it looked at each playlist, the playlist broke.
I think I read somewhere here that the playlists have changed between Frodo and Gotham, so if your playlists were made with the previous version, you will need to remake them using the Gotham interface.

Also, I do not believe that PTV has been updated to work with Gotham either.

I keep searching the internet to see if they have changed, but all I get is this thread that I created! lol I guess I am out of luck for now. Sad
OK, just for the heck of it, I went and made a brand new playlist with the exact parameters of one of my old ones (I just changed the name to playlistname2). And it seems to work, it is at least populated by the shows it is supposed to have. However, I went to my playlists folder and opened each playlist (old and new) in a text editor and they are IDENTICAL! Every piece of text is identical (outside of the number 2 in the name). I don't know why one would work and one would not? I mean before I could move a playlist .xsp file from one system to another (or import one somebody else made online) and they would work. So I can not for the life of me figure out why they would be identical in code and be stored in the EXACT same location, but one not work? I sooooo do NOT want to remake all of my playlists. I have like 100 of them! (I used them for pseudotv) and they are quite intricate! I was hoping I could just change whatever part of the code needs to be changed. But it seems nothing needs to change at all?
tommymsw, cause for this in gotham, changed reference for videodb and musicdb, look here in wiki for understand better, one simple example

frodo = videodb://1/
gotham = videodb://movies/

You need select your 100 files in explorer and open all in notepad++ or other text editor xml, and replace each call the videodb or musicdb for new way, use option save all, done.
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(2013-09-27, 12:08)Wanilton Wrote: tommymsw, cause for this in gotham, changed reference for videodb and musicdb, look here in wiki for understand better, one simple example

frodo = videodb://1/
gotham = videodb://movies/

You need select your 100 files in explorer and open all in notepad++ or other text editor xml, and replace each call the videodb or musicdb for new way, use option save all, done.

Thanks, but I have no reference to that in my files. There is no "path" listed in the files that I can see. And the two files (old and new) are identical, like I had mentioned. Here is what the file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
<name>Big Bang Theory TV</name>
<rule field="title" operator="is">
<value>The big bang theory</value>
<rule field="playcount" operator="isnot">
<order direction="ascending">numwatched</order>
Yea, there must be something wrong in Gotham for playlists. I have never had a problem before but now they will not work correctly. I tried to make a simple one for testing that just contained The Big Bang Theory and I just chose Title= The Big Bang Theory and then "random" and it plays the first episode of season 1 and then goes in perfect order. I tried switching ascending and descending and there was no change. I tried setting the playlist as TV and as EPISODES, I even placed a "season must be 3" in the list and then it just shows a blank playlist. Or it still plays the first episode of season 1. No matter what I do, I can not get it to change the order.
Yea, I still can't figure this out. I got PseudoTV to work with Gotham (with help from another thread) by adding my "C:" drive as a video "source" (you have to ass the drive with XBMC installed on it for some reason. When I play one of my playlists set to "random" via PseudoTV, they actually play in random, but when I try to play the playlist alone, they are no longer random, and play in straight order.
(2013-09-27, 13:00)Martijn Wrote: it should be backwards compatible

It's an old thread, but I'm working all day on getting my playlists to work.
the Frodo ones are about the same as the Gotham auto-created:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <rule field="path" operator="is">

The .xsp-file is found but it's like is't not read so no movies are shown.

Something wrong with playlists and SMB locations?

kind regards for any solution
Is the path really exactly equal to "smb://FB-SERVER/Films/" ?

Or do you perhaps want operator="startswith" (check what the UI creates for that - don't rely on my memory!)
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"startswith" won't do either.

I've custom made buttons in the main menu:
                    <item id="20">
                        <onclick>ActivateWindow(10025, special://profile/playlists/video/Animations.xsp, return)</onclick>
(Yes I know the label is called Animation and the file Animations)

They go to an empty folder with only two dots for parent folder. When I click that I go into the userdata/playlist/video - folder. I can see the playlists I made. Clicking/choosing a playlist brings me back to the empty folder so it's a circle.Huh

the Animations.xps -file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <rule field="path" operator="is">

target location via windows explorer: \\FB-SERVER\Tekenfilms\Engels

so it all seems to fit....but it doesn't
Just grab the information from the Debug Log when selecting that playlist from the video library. That will tell you the query it's performing.

Take a look then at the query and what is actually in the database and you'll see why it isn't matching.
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I guess that startswith should have been chosen. I don't know why it didn't work in the first place because I tried both. But now all was downloaden.

(2013-09-27, 13:00)Martijn Wrote: it should be backwards compatible
My playlists from Frodo work in Gotham
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Gotham playlists not working?0