Android Can't "set content" on Ouya
I set everything up as the way it should on my Ouya. I set this so that my Ouya can stream movies from my Mac to my Ouya via UnPn. I installed XBMC on my Mac and Ouya. Added the video source and everything is working fine.

But I tried to set the content of my video files on the Ouya so XBMC will add these as movies and can scrape the content of them.

But I can't choose "Set content" after selecting the folder on my Ouya. When doing this on my Mac I can select "Set content" and choose for Movie and can selct the scraper I want, and the library is updating.

Is this an error on the Ouya. And "Set content" isn't available on the Ouya.

Thank you.
you can't set content on upnp
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That's a limitation of using UPnP for file sharing. If you have have your media scanned into the library on the Mac, you should be able to see that library view when you access the UPnP share on your Ouya. However, if you want to build an independent library on your Ouya using the physical files shared from your Mac, then you'll need use some other file sharing (wiki) protocol.
Aah, that's what I thought. Gonna dive into the file sharing thing.

Thanks for your quick reply.

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Can't "set content" on Ouya0