My ugly XBMC box gets uglier!
So the i5 2300 for the server has arrived and I'm rebuilding it with a five year old Gigabyte P67-A-UD3-B3 mobo. It's the slowest quad core Sandy Bridge so it should last a long time. When this is done I can start work on the pink machine and finally decommission any HTPC duties from the big machine and make it into a true dedicated server.

Check out that classic BIOS guys. Smile

I had 2x4GB of SODIMM RAM that had been in a package since it was pulled working from a laptop 2-3 years ago. I thought it'd be neat to save $50 on new RAM an to use these but how would I use SODIMM laptop memory in a full DIMM desktop motherboard?

$4.77 USD each on eBay for these, yes, they totally work.



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My ugly XBMC box gets uglier!0