What do u guys to scrape, pics,trailers,NFO's etc ?
Is ember media scraper still available or are you guys using a new method ? Been out of the loop a while Tongue
I use sickbeard for TV shows downloads, scrapes, organizes. movies I just use artwork downloader program addon in xbmc.
music I use cd manager addon it works good if you have your tags right. ember last I used it alot of feature were broken do to no more development.
I use XBMC for scraping. It got pretty good at it Smile
I use a program called media companion. I think it does a great job at scraping everything and renaming files. Apparently it can even update XBMC after scrapping, but I haven't set that up. I started using that because I also maintain an XBMC library mounted in an 18 wheeler where internet is not always available when adding files to the library.
The Metabrowser for me, works very well but is not free. It triggers XBMC after it updates a movie/tv show
I use metabrowser. It fetches / scrapes as well as anything else I've used, but I also do a lot of manual entry and edits and I find the interface more efficient for that than others I've tried.
Jarvis + Mediaportal, Phenomenal skin
I thought this was an XBMC forum. I use XBMC. (Mind you I have already named my media properly with the wonderful filebot).
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What do u guys to scrape, pics,trailers,NFO's etc ?0