Linux strangeness on opensuse
I've been using opensuse linux for years, and decided to check out XBMC. It's a snap to install, since it's right in the pacman repository.

First: let me say how totally impressed I was by the polish and quality and polish of XBMC. Other and support for games (which, after a little googling, seems possible to add on) it's everything anyone could want for an HTPC. I was floored.

Then I started noticing some strangeness. I could set my location for weather from weather underground, but it wouldn't remember it. It would detect my city and show it on the settings page, but if I leave the settings page and go back to it, the location is forgotten. Also, it loads my media library and fetches metadata, but the thumbnail images don't show up.

Yes, I've done searching, and seen threads with similar problems. This seems to be different.

I believe that XBMC is trying to create a directory in /home/user called U: with a bunch of sub-directories and files underneath it. I DO get a U: directory. And it has a userdata subdir in it. And that in turn has an addon_data directory. So far so good. Unfortunately, I also get "U:\userdata\Database\Epg7.db", "U:\userdata\Database\MyMusic32.db", and a few other files in my $HOME. Note this isn't a directory path-- see the image of the partial directory listing attached (blue is a directory, white is a file).


Seems like there's some confusion between the linux "/" and windows "\" styles of directories maybe? Is this a problem with the way XBMC is compiled in pacman? Has anyone ever seen this before?

EDIT: Here's the log. A couple of messages about creating directories, but nothing that jumped out at me.
I've never had this problem with xbmc on any Linux distro. I've never tried installing xbmc in OpenSuse though.

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could be some foobar addon that was written for windows.
"wine drive_c" seems to indicate you are trying to do some Windows stuff.
I do use wine, but I'm not running XBMC under wine. wine_drive_c is just a link to my ~/.wine/drive_c folder so I don't have to view hidden files. I think I'm going to try compiling XBMC from scratch and see if that runs better.
Compiling compiling compiling. Finally got it to compile.

The good news: no more crazy files in my home directory. Also metadata appears with movie and music files now. Nice.

The bad news: Still no thumbnails or fan art images. Weather underground refuses to remember where I am. And video playback, which used to work well, is now a slideshow. Somehow hardware acceleration must have not been included when I compiled?

Back to the drawing board, I guess.

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