Android XBMC crashes with HDD attached

I'm pretty much nOOb in Android STB's though I'm using Android tablets and phones.
Recently I bought Geniatech/MyGica ATV 1200 box which came with "Metro" launcher and Xbmc (Frodo v12.2)
I have my movies stored on a Transcend 750 GB HDD (USB 3.0 case) formatted as NTFS. There is nothing but movies on the disk but I've used it with my former media player Xtreamer Sidewinder II. Movies are in their own separate folders like "Movie Name (2013)". I have scanned movies into library (Movies) with no problems.
Problem occurres when I try to browse movies in a library. A few moments after a gray screen appears and Metro launcher reappears. Xbmc crashes even when I'm just enter the movies library and do nothing. Interesting thing is when I go in "recently added movies" I can browse and play them from there. MOST interesting thing is when I unmount HDD, I can browse through the library with no problems, change covers and fanart, play trailers...
When I watch debug data on screen and enter library I can see that memory is getting smaller rapidly and then Xbmc crashes. Until that moment hdd led flashes also.
If anybody has an idea what could it be, please help. Sad Thanks.

I've included screenshot of my system and xbmc logfile.

ATV1200 system screenshot
XBMC log dropbox link
Your log doesn't show a crash but a normal closure...
(2014-01-13, 14:10)Koying Wrote: Your log doesn't show a crash but a normal closure...

Hm, even more strange because I didn't touch a thing before it "closes". I'll try to record a video of what I'm doing and add new log.
Anyways, thanks for Your reply Koying. Smile
Here is a video so You can see what it's look like and new log file.

Log file

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XBMC crashes with HDD attached0