Getting addon script failed that causes everything to be lost.
Hey all, to give an idea of what I'm trying to do, I'm following these guides:

Everything was going fine, but now I'm getting some kind of script failed about When this error occurs, it causes everything I've already setup to be completely lost. With my current setup, I go into Advanced Launcher -> Default -> then click which launcher I'd like to use, though I wish I didn't have to bother going through that stupid 'default' folder I don't see it serving any purpose.

But now I'm getting 'script failed', when this occurs, it causes all my launchers to be completely lost and have to be recreated from scratch. I'd absolutely love to use XBMC for old video games like I do my movies, but getting it to work correctly has been nothing but a headache. Anyone got any tips or ideas on how to fix this issue? Or tips on how to better use XBMC to run and manage emulators and roms? I'd be forever grateful.
It's a random bug with that plug in. The plug in maker Angel says all you can do is restore one of the back ups.
What back up? Should I keep using it or find something else? I don't want to invest a lot of time into getting everything setup and working with all my games just for it to crash and lose it all again.
(2014-01-14, 00:45)SpoolinChaos Wrote: What back up? Should I keep using it or find something else? I don't want to invest a lot of time into getting everything setup and working with all my games just for it to crash and lose it all again.
Advanced Launcher automatically save by default the 10 last modification you done on your launchers setup. If your setup have been deleted or corrupted, you can recover it to its last state by going into Advanced Launcher settings > Advanced > Backup options > Import XML file (restore backup) > then select the xml file with the most recent date/time filename. Backup filenames are under this form : YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-MILLISEC-launchers.xml

As homietheclown tell you there is actually a random bug that corrupts launchers.xml files save... and I'm not able to fix it of found the cause. After a lots of investigation, I have just found that the launchers.xml file content is created correctly into memory before write it into the file. But, sometime, the file content is not written correctly, like if the file writing or Advanced Launcher processes where suddenly stopped (by XBMC?). The problem is that the bug happen randomly (you can do X times exactly the same action, but for one of these times you will have a file corruption) and there is no related logged information into XBMC. Concerning the Advanced Launcher code, I have reviewed it a lot of time... but you know, there is not a lot of different ways under python to write into a file.
So it corrupted on me again, but for the life of me I can't find the place to reload a backup. I'm trying to follow your guide to where to find it, but I get stuck trying to just get to the Advanced tab.
(2014-01-20, 01:23)SpoolinChaos Wrote: So it corrupted on me again, but for the life of me I can't find the place to reload a backup. I'm trying to follow your guide to where to find it, but I get stuck trying to just get to the Advanced tab.
Select Advanced Launcher (do not enter it) then press the "C" key to enter de addon context menu then enter "Add-on setting" menu and follow the guide I posted before.
Yup, that's where I was going, though it turns out you can't use your mouse to click the arrow to get to the advanced tab, I had to use my arrows to get over there. Was wondering what that arrow was indicating since you're not able to click it.
(2014-01-21, 02:10)SpoolinChaos Wrote: Yup, that's where I was going, though it turns out you can't use your mouse to click the arrow to get to the advanced tab, I had to use my arrows to get over there. Was wondering what that arrow was indicating since you're not able to click it.
That's a XBMC/skin/control bug. It's not under my control.

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Getting addon script failed that causes everything to be lost.0