Streaming from ipad to atv3 , sound , but no video
Hi there

I'm quite new at this and hopefully have my question in the right spot. I've read through some threads but couldn't seem to find an answer to my issues.

Here goes..... I've recently jailbroken my ipad. (running ios 7.04) Just bought a new apple tv3 box. Installed xbmc on the ipad and added "mash up" as a video add on. I've gone through all the options that I can find and still can't stream to my tv with anything but sound?? When I go into airplay "mirror" mode, I get the picture and sound ,but the size of the picture is too small and I can't make it go full screen or even half the screen size (47" tv)
BUT.....I can stream NHL hockey at full screen with awesome clarity from itunes , and I don't have to use the "mirror" function?? My ipad screen just says "you are now streaming to apple tv" I can switch the ipad to "sleep mode" and it still streams like it should. In mirror mode though, I have to leave the screen on?
What am I missing in XBMC that isn't allowing the video to follow the sound ,when I try to stream without "mirror" mode wirelessly?

Go easy on me! Smile
HOW-TO:Use video output on iOS (wiki)
Thanks Ned....a little over my head still so i'll have to see what happens. What does that link mean in laymen terms?
They're directions. You just follow what it says to do.
Did I read the info in the link right where it talks about how to use the mirroring function with a corded adapter ? If so , I already am able to use airplay with mirroring, just not without with xbmc.
So because of Apple, i can't use airplay without mirroring with my newer set up?

Sorry for not catching on so good, I'm really a newbie , even with computers.
1. Before opening XBMC enable global AirPlay mirroring by double-tapping the home button, swiping from left to right to bring up the volume control and AirPlay icon, and selecting your Apple TV from the options.

2. Go to Settings -> Appearance -> Skin and change the skin to something like Confluence (not required, but makes operating XBMC on a TV easier).

3. Go to Settings -> System -> Video output and change it to "Display #2"

4. Now you can use the iDevice screen for directional navigation by swiping. Tap to select things, two finger tap to go back.
On iOS 7 you'll use the control center instead of double tapping the home button.
Ok....that's Ned ! I'll give that a go..... Smile Thank you for your patience....
I enabled air play with and without mirroring before opening xbmc. (I access my control center by swiping "up" from the bottom of the screen) My skin is on confluence. I cannot change my video output to display #2 .i can't change it at all. I still can't stream full screen and only partial screen with mirroring from xbmc.
Do I need to wait for another version of xbmc to get my set up to work?

On previous nightlies after the full screen ipad tv out issue was fixed I could watch full screen. For some reason I am not able to switch it to Display #2 anymore. Any ideas?
Hmmm, have you tried a nightly build (wiki) yet?
Still no luck with getting video without using mirroring from ipad.

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Streaming from ipad to atv3 , sound , but no video0